Hardcore hentai gay anime

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Plot: The series focuses on Basara Toujo, who is about to experience the greatest twist of his life! Basara's father is getting remarried and he is about to move abroad for employment. The love-triangle aspect of this anime creates lots of opportunities for kinky and exciting scenarios. Kouta puts up with their aggressive advances, touchy-feely behavior, and sexual innuendo, but he's deeply embarrassed by their displays of affection and the way they compete for his attention. Would you really want to live such a lifestyle? Well, for high school boy Kouta, a life like this is just about to begin for him! Many girls like him, but the most notable of them are the supernatural, animal-spirit girls, Chizuru and Nozomu! Much to Kouta’s annoyance, he has to deal with them while he navigates life as a high school student. Plot: Picture a scenario where lots of girls are chasing after you day-after-day and there's no hope of respite. Storywise, Kanokon is nothing but fan service, but that's okay because that's what ecchi enthusiasts are interested in! Kanokon is the series you should watch if you’re eager to watch something that seems like it came straight from your imagination. Why It's Great: Is Kanokon borderline hentai? Yes! It is also wacky, perverted, and lascivious.

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